wider curriculum

The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award
Is designed to challenge young people between the ages of 14-24 to attain standards of achievement and endeavour in a wide variety of active interests – to serve their communities, experience adventure and to develop and learn outside the classroom. The award runs four sections: Volunteering, Skills, Physical, and Adventurous Journey. During Volunteering, students give their time to help in their community through activities such as litter picking, teaching a language, or working in a home for senior citizens. In Skills, they will progress in a particular interest such as crafts, cooking, or gardening. Within Physical, they will develop in a physical activity such as a sport of interest, hill walking or any strenuous activity. Finally, in their Adventurous Journey, students will display their skills in an overnight stay where they will be assessed on their navigation, cooking and tent building.
There are 3 levels to the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award: Bronze, Silver and Gold. As students move through each of the levels, they will enter their progress in an online record book. The Award is not only a great way to develop skills and confidence while having fun, but it is also a prestigious award which can give university applications a boost. Get involved and explore your surroundings!

After School Activities


Secondary Clubs

At BCA, we encourage our students to interact with their environment and explore the world from an early age. Our trips and excursions are linked to the curriculum topics, enhancing learning through first-hand experience. Trips are an exciting, involving, and valuable experience for all our students, both academically and socially.

EYFS and Primary
Short local trips provide new experiences including outdoor learning in the forest, visiting museums, and exploring the local area. For upper primary students we will introduce trips further afield to encourage independence and bring students closer to their peers.

Secondary School
Trips are an important part of school life.There are a variety of opportunities for short and extended trips. Some trips are part of the required curriculum (such as Geography fieldwork) whilst other trips may be optional but highly encouraged.
An annual residential trip for each Year Group gives all students the opportunity to take part in outdoor activities, build a sense of unity within the year group and encourage social development.