The Primary School is an exciting hub of energy, creativity and innovation, preparing children for life-long learning. As such, great emphasis is placed on nurturing an intrinsic motivation to succeed and developing the many personal skills that will ensure success in life.
Primary is made up of six year groups, arranged into two ‘Key Stages’ of the English National Curriculum:.
Year Group | Key Stage | Age at beginning of school year; |
Year 1 | Key Stage 1 | 4/5 |
Year 2 | 5/6 | |
Year 3 | 6/7 | |
Year 4 | Key Stage 2 | 7/8 |
Year 5 | 8/9 | |
Year 6 | 9/10 |

As the children leave EYFS we ensure a smooth transition by continuing with elements of the EYFS pedagogy to ensure that passion and creativity for learning remains. With the confidence and independence gained in Early Years, children are well equipped to build upon their skills and understanding in order to access the broad and challenging Key Stage 1 and 2 curriculum.

English is the language of instruction. An accomplished level of English is imperative for future success in the school and every effort is made to equip the students with refined skills in the areas of speaking, listening, reading and writing. All learning is aligned with the BCA approach to High Quality Learning, centered on a class topic allowing interdisciplinary learning to take place. The English National Curriculum is followed, adapted to, and celebrating, our local and international context. Specialist subjects taught are PE, Spanish, French and Catalan.

As confidence continues to grow and children become more open minded, reflective and well balanced, there are various opportunities for extra curricular activities and performances such as class assemblies, storytelling, poem recitals and end of year shows. Success is shared and celebrated.

Pastoral care is of utmost importance to us. It is simple: children who feel safe, secure and valued will have the confidence to take risks in their learning and learn to the best of their abilities. A large part of Primary PSHE lessons is in the form of daily circle time sessions to discuss feelings, emotions and relationships to empower children to make good choices and build respectful relationships with their peers.