A culture of thinking
A Culture of Thinking
The academic culture at BCA is extremely important to us. Our students are purposeful and have a sense of pride in their studies. They learn to understand that the way in which they approach their education and the mindset they bring with them each morning is crucial to their enjoyment as well as their academic success. We want our students to be active learners. We want them to challenge and discuss, question and debate but always in a respectful manner and with humility. Naturally, we also expect our staff to model this mindset and approach to their own work and professional learning.
This culture of thinking has as its foundation our Guiding Statements
academic subjects
Each and every subject plays a key part in providing breadth and knowledge, and in developing diversity of perspective. Moreover, interdisciplinary links are made so that students learn to appreciate and construct a rich and connected tapestry of knowledge and understanding.

Escola Amiga d’ UNICEF
After a preliminary two year period of informal collaboration and successful fund-raising and community activities, BCA has signed an agreement with UNICEF Andorra and is now recognised as an ‘Escola Amiga UNICEF’.
The following agreed actions will strengthen the children's education for sustainable development, and will result in meaningful and sustained change, at both the local and global level.
✓ Incorporation of knowledge and the defence of children's rights into the College's strategic plan and written curriculum (year, unit and lesson plans), as set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) 1989.
✓ Celebration of Universal Children's Day (November 20).
✓ The use, at the school's discretion, of UNICEF educational materials.
✓ Promotion of fundraising activities to support the international cooperation programs that UNICEF develops.
For every child, every right
Escola Verda ('Eco-School')
After a two-year preparatory period, BCA has been recognised as an Escola Verda, a programme promoted by the agency Andorra Sostenible.
The following agreed actions will strengthen education for sustainable development, and will result in meaningful and sustained change, at both the local and global level.
✓ Form a student-led Eco Committee
✓ Carry out a Sustainability Audit to investigate the environmental and social issues in the school/community.
✓ Create an Action Plan to resolve or improve those problems.
✓ Monitor and Evaluate
✓ Integrating the programme into the curriculum
✓ Inform and Involve, for example through Global Action Days
✓ Produce an Eco Code, i.e. a statement that represents the school's commitment to sustainability
Engaging the youth of today to protect the planet of tomorrow.
BCA supports the Plant for the Planet project. Find out more here:
and donate here: https://www1.plant-for-the-planet.org/profile/donation-link